COVID-19: Latest FAQs
A lot has changed in a very short space of time since the first case of COVID-19 arrived on Irish shores on 28 February.
Our dedicated customer experience team at Fenero has been helping many of our contractors navigating their way through COVID-19 related issues. We’re here to help and to share our knowledge, so we’ve summarised below the answers to the latest most frequently asked questions from professional service contractors.
What Expenses Can I Claim When Working From Home?
Most items of expenditure you incur as a result of working from home should be allowable to offset against taxes. As a rule of thumb, so long as the expense is required to enable you to work and is reasonable in cost, it should be allowable.
Common Examples Include:
- Computer equipment (e.g. laptop, additional screens, printers etc)
- Office furniture (e.g. desk, chair, storage)
- Telephone & broadband
- E-Workers allowance of €3.20 per day or apportion of light and heat bills.
A summary of the main supports includes:
- COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment
- Short Time Work Support
- Wage Subsidy Scheme
- Job Seekers Benefit / Self Employed
I’m Still Working However My Days Have Been Reduced, What Financial Support Am I Entitled To?
Short Time Work Support applies to individuals who work 3 days or less having previously been full time. Click Here for more information and how to apply.
My Contract Has Been Terminated, How Do I Apply For COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment?
The quickest and easiest way to apply for the emergency €350 weekly payment is through your account. Alternatively, you can complete a 1 page application form.
Are Directors Of An Umbrella Company Entitlement To Pandemic Payment Support?
Yes, any contractor operating through an Umbrella Company can personally apply for the Pandemic Unemployment Payment.
What Is The Wage Subsidy Scheme?
The Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme pays employers a salary subsidy capped at 70% of previous average weekly take home pay of an employee/director of that company; a maximum payment of €410 per week applies. The scheme is expected to last for 12 weeks and provides the payment of income support to employers in respect of eligible employees where the employer’s business activities have experienced significant negative disruption due to the COVID-19.
I’m A Director And Shareholder Of My Own Personal Limited Company, Can I Qualify For Wage Subsidy Payments?
Yes, provided you satisfy the criteria set out by Revenue – Click Here. If you are unsure whether your company will qualify, please get in touch with the Fenero Team and we will advise.
I Operate Through An Umbrella Company; Can The Umbrella Company Apply For The Wage Subsidy Scheme On My Behalf?
No; unfortunately, an Umbrella Company cannot process Wage Subsidy payments.
Due to the nature of how Umbrella Companies are set up with multiple contractors working on various projects, they will not satisfy the criteria set out by Revenue to qualify for the scheme. The reason being, although a contractor may be impacted the other contractors in the company may not, which makes the umbrella company unable to apply for the scheme.
For umbrella company contractors whose contract was terminated or paused as a result of COVID-19, we recommend they apply for the COVID-19 Unemployment Weekly Payment of €350.
My Client Has Terminated My Contract, Will I Receive Notice Period Payment?
Yes, the length of notice periods is dictated by the contract in place. Payment will be calculated in line with the termination clause.
Will I Receive Payment For Invoices Already Raised?
Yes, you should receive payment as normal for work already completed.
Article Content Courtesy Of Multi-Award Winning Tax Experts in All Things Contracting,